
Wednesday 27 February 2013

A Call For A Beauty Swap!

Hey everyone! So this week's being über busy as per usual - End of term is neigh, and I've got a lot to do! So apologies for the lack of posts - I assure you that after this week/half of next, I will be continuing to blog to my heart's content!

I've noticed on many of the blogs that I follow and come across daily that international beauty swaps seem to be quite popular - I think they're a brilliant idea! I love the idea of being able to try products exclusive to one country other than your own, and being exposed to the differences in culture. I've noticed so many great things coming out beauty swaps, so I thought that I would extend this great offer to any of you who would be up for it!

The way that it would work, ideally, is for me (or you) to set up a price limit for our items in total. Depending on what you're interested in, we could try different categories to fulfill - i.e., skincare, makeup, haircare, etc. Would any of you be interested in that?

Although I am originally from the States, I have no issues in accepting from anyone from the States who wish to swap. Ideally, it would just be nice to be able to try different things, if possible!

Let me know what all of you think - Would you be interested? Have any of you partook in beauty swaps before?


  1. ahhh i would have loved to do a swap with you, i love doing these! too bad i will be traveling a lot and wont be in hong kong for quite some time... hope you find a great swap buddy :)

    rachel x

  2. That is a shame! Maybe for another time? Have a great time travelling! (: x

  3. I would love to do a swap, in about a month? I'm from Australia:) email me if your interested:)

  4. Ooooh a swap sounds like so much fun! I'm from the UK, if you're interested :) drop me an email!

    A little bit Unique


  5. I would love to do a swap, I'm from NZ :) email me if you're interessted:

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It's really interesting, maybe I would like to do a swap too :) I'm from Hungary :) my email:


  8. I would love to do a swap. from hungary :)
